Monday, June 2, 2014

Week 1 Paleo!

We survived "week one" of our paleo transition. At first I didn't let Josh in on the fact that our eating habits were about to change, I just told him that we were not going to be eating out anymore. Josh and I just moved in together after a year of dating and had somehow gotten in the habit of eating both breakfast and dinner out almost every day of the week. It was very expensive, and not just in the monetary sense- it cost our waist lines too!

I'm not a cook so this transition was made even more challenging. I wouldn't say that week one's menus were particularly "exciting" but I did make my goal of not spending more than $170 on groceries. Yes- I know that sounds high, but please consider that we were spending at least $80 EVERY DAY on eating out. Insane right? This isn't a blog about extreme budgeting though- we are fortunate to make enough money to have a little bit of a higher food budget and are grateful for our ability to buy some good local and organic grub.

So what did we eat week one?

Breakfast was exactly the same every day. I have no problem with redunency and I am so grateful that my wonderful mate doesn't either! We ate pre-soaked and rinsed oatmeal with bananas (two days we mixed it up and added blueberries) we covered our oatmeal with some yummy coconut milk. Now I now some folks are going to be moaning "but oatmeal is not paleo!" - I hear you folks- I hear you. At least we are soaking it overnight with apple cider vinegar to cut down on the phytic acid eh? I like the fullness I get from oatmeal and the fact that it's the cheapest darn thing on our menu.

Lunch- I found lunch to be our biggest challenge. Here's what we did- for several days we ate tunafish with mashed avocado and lime wrapped up in lettuce. We have almonds or hard boiled eggs for snacks. Then I made us a crustless quiche with bacon and some veggies and portioned that up for three days of lunches. I hope you are not disappointed- This is definitely not a culinary blog either ;-)

Dinner- Dinner was a little more "adventurous" One night I made this amazing chicken in a pan with a packet of seasoning I bought. I served it over an awesome salad with avocado. Another night I made awesome paleo meatballs (no bread crumbs in these puppies) with a mix of grass fed beef from a local farm and hamburger meat. Yum! I served the meatballs with pasta sauce and awesome julienned Zucchini "pasta"- that was my favorite meal of the week (I made enough for two nights) Then I made two nights worth of roasted pineapple and sweet potato with blandly seasoned diced chicken...this meal kind of sucked to be honest- the chicken was a "fail" but chalula hot sauce came and saved the day.

Going out: We went out to see a friends band play on Saturday night. Josh who might still have not realized I had forced us into eating "paleo" had a few beers- and I had two cider drinks. Josh still thinks that everything is "paleo" long as you eat it with your hands ;-D

Did we lose weight?---    I am honestly not sure- we didn't weigh ourselves- I feel like I definitely have though- I feel less "bloated" in general

How did we feel? - Supercalafragalisticexpialadocious! Just great- I had so much more energy this week- our digestive systems are having a little bit more trouble getting used to the diet change though- I'm not going to go into detail on what I mean by that just quite yet....we've just met in all!

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